Privacy Policy

Our privacy policy complies with the GDPR legislation of 25th May 2018. Our aim is to give you peace of mind and confidence knowing that we will manage your data correctly and explain clearly and in detail how and why we use and collect your data, and your rights.

     Jenicks Massage & Reflexology, Tel – 07814004760,        

What information do we need prior to treatment

We need you contact details which include name, address, postcode, email and phone number, we also need your information about your health, lifestyle and age for treatment to go ahead.

Explanation of why we need this information

·         We need all the information to provide a safe and suitable treatment, and to allow us to make tailor made treatment plans.

·         To comply with professional code of conduct and ethics set out by the Scottish Massage Therapists Organisation and the Association of Reflexologists, and also for insurance purposes.

·         We have a lawful basis for processing your personal information, meaning there is a legal reason to ask for your data because of contractual reasons.

·         You do have the right to not share your personal data with us, but if you do not we are unable to offer you a treatment at Jenicks Massage and Reflexology.

·         You must fulfil your side of the contract (share your personal information) in order for us to fulfil ours (carry out treatment).

How long will we store your data

We must retain records for a period of at least 7 years from the date of your last treatment. In a minors case this would be 7 years after their 18th birthday.

We will not share your data

Jenicks Massage and Reflexology will not share your information with any third parties. If you book an appointment online your email address will only be used to correspond with you regarding your appointment. Marketing permission must be given separately.

If you feel we are not handling your data correctly, you have the right to complain

If you have any questions relating to this policy or the data we hold for you, please contact us in writing at

You have the right to complain if you believe we are not handling your data correctly; please use the contact details above. If you are unhappy with our response to your complaint you should then contact the ICO (independent commissioner’s office) using the following link